Commercial & Infomercial Production

Philly Chick Pictures and Scheck Photography have partnered to produce independent commercial and infomercial productions. With the creative multi-talents of Brooke Lewis' writing, producing and acting and Roger A. Scheck's writing, producing and directing. The client will receive a quality, professional product at a competitive, affordable price.


"Just wanted to share the success of our #1 product so far on the first day of the promotion. I think a lot of this has to do with the great video. 870 people have viewed the video and we have sold 132 pieces. This is a remarkable 15.1% conversion rate. Costco said without video conversion click rates are 2-3%. With a video we could expect a 30-60% improvement. Well, we are doing a lot better than that. This is amazing!! I'll keep you posted throughout as maybe you can use this information as a marketing tool to future potential clients."
- President Fontaine Faucets, Andy Martin